Saturday 18 October 2008

Jonas Brothers watches and birthday presents!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

I don't no what i'm going to right about today not much has happened!!!! I went shopping this moring and didn't buy anything (soo unlike me) and then i've spent the afternoon sitting round doing nothing and hovering up for my mam!!! Not cool!!!! I am soo bored!!!!

I'm going to Cattrick market with Elly tomorrow!! the reason i didn't buy anything!!! She's supposed to be buying me my birthday present!! Lol (9 days)!!! She was supposed to be getting me a Joe Jonas watch (i no sad but it would have been cool cos elly was getting a Nick one and she was getting Luara a kevin one for her birthday in February) But it hasn't come yet so she said i had to pick something out today!!! Should be fun!!!! She'll have an extremely small buget sooo i'll be limited to what i can pick out lol!! But still... I think my brother's bought me a logo tee for my birthday!!! But that's not saying much cos a couple of weeks ago i thought he'd bought me a Camp Rock towel!!! Which i didn't want by the way!!!!!

I have just found out the premire of LoveBug is on Monday 5:55 lol!!1 I've already got it on record!! (you have already read - i'm extremely sad). It should be really good lol!!! Yeh!!1 I totally forgot to tell you that i fixed my CD!!! You know i scratched it and Can't have you refused to play!!! Well a couple of days later it was in the CD player and i accidently sent it flying off the table (the whole CD player) !! And suddenly the CD plays all the way through!!!!! WOW!!! So i've got a new motto!!! If in Doubt, Give it a clout!!!!! And it actually works!!!! If something doesn't work hit it and it starts working!!! Not too hard though cos then your just going to break it even more!!! And that's not good!! I didn't wreck my CD player beyond recognition!!! luckily cos i'm really clumsy like that!!! So i'm kinda not suggesting that you hit everything that doesn't and if you do it's gotta be your choice don't pile the blame on me peeps!!!!

okay i kinda rambled on there cos i felt i had to say that!!!!

Okay i love these pictures!!! PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!! Kevin looks like he's about to fall off and Nicks just kinda all relaxed letting his brothers pull him alon and then just sitting down and letting Joe pound him!!!!! I wonder why Joe had his trousers rolled up!!! wierdo!!! Bit like me!!! LOL!!!!!

Ciao Peeps!!!!!

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