I have discovered that i find stupid, unfunny jokes extremely funny!!! like what does a penguin drink from?!?!?! Beakers!!! OMJ i don't know why it's so funny!!! but i was in kinks!!!! and another one 'What type of bee produces milk??? Boobies!!!!! OMJ seriously it just cracks me up!!!! like all the jokes on the back on penguins!!! Love it!!
Our science teacher moved us away from Kevin!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! Not cool!!! What are we going to do!!!! Not cool!!! How are we going to cope without Kevin????!!! i don't know!!! Help!!!
Guides again tonight!!! Not cool!!! I'm not going to describe it cos i didn't like it!!!! and Natalie if you're reading this you're only just forgiven!!!!
Elly reckons she's going to write into GMTV and ask them to organise a meeting with the Jonas Brothers because she's dying!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhh dear!! I kinda said do you not thimk they would kinda realise you're not actually dying?????! Bless her!!!
OHHHHH HOT PICTURE!!!!!! Even Kevin looks FINE!!!!! Me likey!!! lotsy!!!! Nice tee Nick!!! lol

Wow how toned does Nick look!!!! MUSCLES!!!!!!!! WOW!!! And Joe's tee It speak the truth!!! Lol!!!! If you can't read it, it says love machine lots and lots of times!!!!! lol!!! You wouldn't think they were brothers from this pic they look totally different!!!!
Ciao peeps!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am fine, thanks.
Today has rained here.
In Spain rains a lot in autumn and spring.
Nick is very different at this picture...
I like the first photo...
Bye bye!!!