If you read our blogs you might have heard me mention Laura who is one of my very best friends! She is seriously awesome! She is sarcastic but sooo funny!!! She's an awesome artist even if she doesn't believe it herself! She likes the Jonas brothers as well but she's kinda not as obsessed as me and elly! Her faves Kevin! yeah did i mention she's a bit wierd? lol!!!
We were in ICT today and Sir was stood behind her. So when Laura moved back she headbutted him! She was like i think i just headbutted someone! Sir went 'yea you just headbutted my sheets' and Laura just turned round and went Ohh are your sheets all right!!! I was almost crying it wa hilarious! Sir just kinda went yes they're fine!!! Oh dear amazing!!!
Then later on me, Elly and Laura convinced the two lads on our table that Laura was dating Kevin Jonas!!! Lol and they believed us!!! We kinda didn't tell them that he was an international superstar but they believed that he was Laura's boyfriend, 2o, American and that they met on the internet and he had been over a couple of times to see her! Then Laura just can out with all these infomation about when they'd met up and i was just sat there staring at her thinking 'Where on Earth is she dragging this from?' She sounded so convincing i don't think i'm going to be able to believe her again! It was soo funny! Now the plan is to photoshop a pic of Laura with one of Kevin lol!! Should be fun!!!

Nice pictures of Kevin spesh for Laura! Sorry bout the ones with Curly hair! Lol!!! Apologies!!! Lol! Now some of joe to regain balance
Okay and some of Nick! suppose if i must!!!!
Yeah so this blog is for Laura! Just to say i'm glad you're my friend! I don't know what i'd do without you!! Well i do and it ain't pretty!! LOL!! And anyway i don't know what you'd do to me if i wasn't your friend!!! I've seen what you do!!! LOL!!!
Lv Charlie!!!!
ps that beached whale thing to wasn't me!!!!
Hello!!! How are you? I haven´t got mutch time so I can´t use the traslator. I love your blog. It´s too cool. Bye bye!!!