Jonas Bros Album out's cool!! Lovin all the songs they awesome just like those guys =]

Itsa kinda a crap pic but the internets playing up and it's taken me an hour to get on how crap is that!! Anyway my fav song of that would probs be defo "A Little Bit Longer"- it's so beautiful, it just makes you feel so sorry for poor Nick don't you. Well he is sooo awesome and good looking...Beth said he warbles yesterday....well....i suppose he does in some songs now I think about it...becuase of who i am i would argue against that fact that i think that Nick perfect. Well actually no i don't nobody is perfect...even if they think they are never wrong; if they think their opinion is better than other peoples but anyway yes I he does warble in some songs but not as much as Leona Lewis. She's a good singer and her songs are hellish and shes a really good singer. Anyway I'm rambaling now...
So today....English...boring APU. Science...was oryt a suppose did an experiment an wrote in green like this one it wz textiles i mixed me laura emma an charlie 2gevahh in a weavin sesh thing...then in citizenship...well thats crap. so PE trampolinin, bouncin aboot all awa the place tehn on the wayy home I hogged out an got 3 cookies an gave 1 2 Charlie 2 reduce my debt wiv her
and now i cba to write out any more than i already have soo
CIAO!! catch yhaz laterz xxx
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