Okay so i really don't like sewing machines and they don't like me either!!!! i was sat in textiles today with natalie and Emma trying to get this sewing machine set up!!! and we threaded it up right but the stupid thing wouldn't work!!!! so we unthreaded it all and redid it!!! then the stupid wheel thing got stuck and wouldn't move!!! so we undid it again but it was still stuck!!! then rwe realised it must be something underneath so we opened it up and found that the Spool was jammed!!! so then we went to miss and she just pressed this button and it all popped out!!! and she was like your spool was jammed and we went yeah we figured!!!!!! so yeah i don't like the stupid thing its pointless!!!!
yes so in triple science today Miss asked us for a band so me and natalie obviously said Jonas brothers!!! and EC was like the Jonas brothers are stupid!!!! so we ganged up on him and were like no they're not you loser!! and we were arguing then all of a sudden someone behind us just went the Jonas Brothers are awesome and we turned round to find it was one of the other girls in our class who like had never mentioned their names before!!!! really funny!!!! but it made me glad i don't fancy EC any more (get that Natalie i don't) but i think someone else does!!! i'm not going to mention any names until something happens!!!!!!

Gotta go ciao!!!!
hi! cool thing HSM3 is out at the same time there!! it's a first, i felt bad 4 u guys Bcause u waited so long for camp rock AND a little bit longer..
ReplyDeletebut u got the beatles first...
(i've never really liked those guys....???)
Was that girl sat behind you Erin??