Love y'all
Sometime's it isn't where you're going It's who you're with
Kevins wedding!!! yays awww bless him i hope hes happpy!!!!! yays!!! aww im very happy for him good luck for the rest of your lives together Kevin and Daniellle
basically all we're gunna do is dance!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!
i recently decided that i wnt kevin jonas to be my big brother!!! yes because hes awesome he is so funny n adorable n i think he'd be the best big brother ever so yeah thats the basic plan kevin jonas is my big brother hahah
gorgeous gorgeous joey lolol he needs to grow his hair back
Love y'all
Ciao guys
Joe looks fiiiiiiiiiiiine in a leather jacket
Have a ggreat day Kevin!!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
ok so it basically goes... emma elly beth natalie laura n then moi on the end with my boobs out and my mane of hair that looked totally cool at home but i looked like a lion when i got out hahahah yeah the tops gorgeous n sos the shoes i had on they just arent practical to wear really
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
lol Jonas Brothers with Mickey Mouse it made me laugh!!! hahahaha lolol
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!
awww loook at Kevin he looks upset bless his little cotton socks... how good is Who I Am by Nick J n the Administration? its fantastico! whooo i love it and Rose Garden but a load of nelena fans are going omg its about selena n then youre kinda... no dont be stupid Nick has said he wrote it a very long time ago... *shakes head* silly nelena fans ahahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!
they have such awesome awesome style lolol their stylist is a legend hahah lolol
Love y'all sorry again
Ciao guys
my two fave boys hahahahha looking gorgeous as per lol i love joes eyes yeah he has the most beautiful eyes in the world but what on earth is he doing with them here? lol still unbelievably sexy... just odd hahahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!
awww this was turn right!!! it was sweet kevin was great on piano lol
I listened to gotta find you for the first time since the concert today and bawled my eyes out booo lol im no crazy ahaha
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
these are natalies awesome pictures hahah lolol they're actually are amazing well done Natalie we got some awesome ones on my camera toooo lol natalie got this amazing one of this girls hand which looks like its holding joe!!! hahah some lucky asss girl gotta go up and sing gotta find you (MY FAVE EVER JONAS SONG!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!! GOT THAT EVER????!!!!!) with Joe (MY FAVE JONAS EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!) on stage it was so incredibly un fair!!!! i cried not cos i didnt go up im not that sad!!!!
Garbo saw us tooooo and John Taylor and possibly Big Rob!!! who i kinda missed cos i was toooo busy screaming for John n garbo it was great i was like GO ON GARBO.... NO WAY JOHN TAYLOR... .... ... ... OMG ITS BIG ROB lol they played bouce as well not live just a cd but it was awesome lol like the pics!!! lolol
i could ramble on all night cos like i said best night ever!!! but i gotta go
Love y'all and the jonas brothers!!!!!
Ciao guys!!!!
love y'all
ciao peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant believe we're going to see them next week!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omgosh omgosh fan girl moments hahaha lolol
Love Y'all
Ciao guys
i would get a better picture but i really cba lol sorry
love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
hahahaha i dunno if you can see but if you can see kyles piece of paper its got i heart the jonas brothers on it LOL hahahahahahah cant wait for march when we'll be going to see these... well technically we're gunna go see You me at six but ftsk are supporting them i was like oh we are going to that... luckily the rest of my girlies... n J5 are all into you me at six n we the kings hahaha lololol i cant wait lol but jbs first n i cant wait for that even more hahaahahahahhaha lololollol nick had an upper respiratory infection n i started to panic cos they cancelled lest night show but they are back on the road yayayay lolol
well im going now cos i need the toilet n i think im gunna write a bit while my dad finished watching football... boooo lolol
love y'all
Ciao guys!!
such gorgeous gorgeous boys n some lucky lucky luvky girls out there... even nick looks great in that odd hat... lololol such a shame they missed out on best band last night at the emas i was rooting for them or greenday but hey nvm they are stilll aaaaawesome
less than 2 weeks till the concert... we also might be going to se forever the sickest kids in march which is like a dream come true yayayayayayayya
Love y'all
Ciao peeps!!!
he's still gorgeous... even with slightly less than perfect hair... hes still out of this world hahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
i feel very very bad but i find this picture very funny ... its kinda like... dont touch the fan kevin... god love his little cotton socks... haahahahaha i love it n Nick looks super cool... but joehawk... hmmm
love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
i agree with Mariah Joe + Baseball/kickball uniform = a whole bucket of cute lolol
Love y'all
Ciao guys
whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CAMP ROCK 2 POSTER whoop i cant wait ahahha itll be awesome although demi looks hahahahah sooooo much better when she has her fringe i dunno why disney is sooo stupid n make her cut off her bangs or whatever n not allow her to wear make up which i think dark make up loooks coool it doesnt loook bad or gothic or stupid it looks cool people!!
love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
Charlie likey hhahahah
Love Y'all
Ciao guys!!!
demi looks sad... booo HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF JEMI GOT TOGETHER... sorry i want jemi lol.... the only thing that could beat jemi is jarlie... or j-one of my friends lol... but srsly lol jemi ftw lol how awesome is that bounce video thing lolol
its soooooooooooooooooooooo funny check it out.... i spotted joe straight away n demi n big rob obvs but it took me ages to realise i was nick but they are alllll soooooooooooooooo funny hahahahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
i kinda got wrong today cos we were doing something and i dunno what happened but i ended up saying to anna 'Lauras a pessimist... Have you seen her hair?' it was a joke.... but suddenly everyone knew about it i was like IT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE!!! Laura knew it was a joke peoples duhduhduh lol but miss was messing going if you wanna make a formal complaint laura.... If you're very traumatised by this you tell me lol weirdos!!!
Love y'all
Ciao peeps!!!
n i really want this one toooo... hmmm a friend of mine is going to the miley/metro staion concert in manchester.... me = jealous i might bribe her or see if its on hot topic or something ... plan lol#
Boys like Girls and CobraStarship are touring together!!!! How amazing a show would that be? it would be absolutely out of this world!!!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
awwwww loooook JB with their mummy yays!! lololol
ciao guys!!!!
practically the same lol nvm sorry bout how long it took to post them! lol beth decided she wanted to edit them first!!! hahaha freak! lol anyway so it goes... from the left Beth Natalie Me n Elly whooo lol anyway...
so ive just got back from our revision residential i am shattered seriously but i wanna go back lol it was a pain most of the time like when i couldnt sleep cos the idiots in our dorm were being freaks at stupid times in the morning but mostly it was really good it was pretty useful for our exams and we had some awesome times like watching tv with our teachers or archery or getting locked in a boot room with EC lolol
so we were sorting our shoes out there was me natalie elly beth n emma n ec n j so j went out n me n ec to leave but the door was locked... so we were all trying to get it open i randomly sat on some steps cos i got bored n ec goes i think hes gone n emma all of a sudden went 'we're gunna die!!!" we all just burst out laughing lololol n ec goes... Well i dont think we're gunna die, do you? it was seriously funny... of course j came back n let us out pretty much straight away lol thats pretty muh all that happened with ec apart from me n him play fighting over my ipod
archery was awesome lol... i was the only person to hit the target with all three arrows on the first go loli even got a bullseye on my first go but i think i peaked early n natalie beat me over all lol i got an awesome shot where it kinda just clipped the top of the target and sent the arrow spinning off like 50 feet in the opposite direction i almost hit my pe teacher n her dog lol dunnowho thought it would bee cool to let me loose with bows and arrows lol i got a forfeit as well lol... i had to lick js toe... naturally i refused so i got a new forfeit which was to hug ec... which i kinda didnt do either... haha
last night while everyone else was watching the x factor me n natalie went n chilled in the teachers lounge n watched strictly come dancing and casualty with them lolol it was awesome cos all the female teachers were taking the mick out of the men i think they forgot we were there cos they were calling each other Mal Sue etc instead of dover n headley it was sooo funny when they were working dover n richardson about watching strictly lol... there new fave show btw hahaha n richardson was an absolute legend on singstar btww hahahhahaha lol
im going now gunna watch som videos on youtube etc then early bed methinks lol
love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
awww kevin n joe dressed up as mustard and ketchup hahaha lol natalie sent me this aggggges ago but i just found it lol... luv yah twin...
we have all decided we are going to prom well... me n laura decided everyone eles was already going but i found a nice dress n decided i might as well go its against everything i hate... dresses dancing photos but its one night all my friends want me to go n i feel i should as head girl but guys... im not dancing with J ok? lool
My mum has been going on and on about my 16th bday... i keep telling her all i want is a sleep over with some of my closest mates and im good i dont want a meal or a party or anything but she just keeps going on and on and really pissing me off!!! grrr so cos i was stuck in the car wih her i shoved my headphones in and txted my fave aunt n she was great about it she said she was going to try n dissuade my mum n bro and no matter what she'll ring me in the morning in sing me happy birthday... thats why shes my fave aunt hahahah lol all i want is a flipping sleep over with elly natalie laura beth elliott n emma... but laura wont sleep n ive got it all planned n she still keeps going on on on and flaming well on!!! argh! oh well ill sort things
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!