Sunday, 30 November 2008

OMJ Elly?? Writng a Blog??? really????

Hey peeps!!!!

OMJ so Elly wrote a blog last night!! Yeah guys i'm as cared as you are??? So i came on and i saw it and thought' hang on a minute i didn't write in blue last night - that's elly's colour! Ohh wait -ELLY??' Yeah so she read twilight finally and i can't believe she lied to me!!!! I still beat her tho she read in two days!! I read it over night!!! lol!! N she's getting It's about time and she didn't tell me!!! Shock horror!!!

So at the moment i'm having an arguement over msn with one of elly's little chums bout the fact that the jonas brothers are fab!!!! He thinks they suck!!! They don't - fact!!!

So i've been cleaning ny rabbits and the cleaning sprays made me a little bit lightheaded not cool!!!! I have two bunny rabbits called Nala and Barty my mam named barty as you can tell!! nd they seriously annoy me sometimes!! Nala has up to now chewed her way through 6 pairs of head fones!!! Not cool!!!

How cool does Kevin look??? seriously i'm not having a laugh!!! I can understand why he was on that sexy thing!! I just can't understand why Nick and JOE weren't??? Doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!


Hiaaa Eventually

Yes Aii No...It's Been A While!

So.....Since My Last Little Argument On Here With
Charlie About Twilight I've Done Quite A Bit.

New Girl....Lets Call Her 'Jane'....So 'Jane' Comes In With Afro Muss Mason An Shes Bein All Quiet An To Herself So We Hang With Her For The Week And When She Goes Into Reg. She's Hangin With The DarkSide. Aii Aint Really Bothered But It Makes Me Feel Pap, L
ike Nobody But Us In Our Room At School Actually Like Us Plus Laura And Natalie Haha And A Few Other People. But The Point I Am Atempting To Get Across Is The Fact That We Always Get Dumped Back On Our Arses With New People And They Go Over To The DarkSide......You Know I Think Its Coz We Canny Strange!!! Ahh Well..............And Plus We Never Get Any New FIT Fellas. I Could Name A Few Look-a-likes I Would Love To Have But I'm Afraid I'll Keep You Here All Night.

Moving On.......Clothes Show!!! Cannot Flipping Wait. O
nly 2 Weeks Timeish. Me Charlie And Laura Went Last Year And I Got Attacked By Some Scary Guys In Flat Shoes!!!!!!! Mega Scary But Also Mega Funny. We Were Lost Ok!!!! So Charlie Has To Remember To Get A Make-Up Thingii Done.....Not Saying She Needs One But She Told Me To Remind Her! She Looked All Over The Place To Get One And Then Found Out You Had To Book Hahaha Ahh Well Shes Getting On This Year. It's Gunna Bee Awesomee Though!!!

Next Point.....Sorry if i'm keeping you all day but i have so much to write about haha. Ok soo i'm mega mega mega jelous and so will charlie i think!!!! MY DAD IS GETTING THE NEW BLACKBERRY!!!!!! THE FREEKING NEW BLACKBERR
Y!!! I always wanted a blackberry they rule and now he's getting one I so.....freeking want one but I am getting his old phone!! It's still mega updated is like a mini computer!!! It's got internet, windows media player an alsorts. I still want my mini phone though for crimbo. It's so small and cute and now i'm drifing off sorry.

Now......OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ!!!!! I have managed to read Twilight In 2 Days. 2 DAYS!! Thats Like A mirical or something. I love It Soooo Much. I started reading
it on Wedensday and got to chapter 7....the one where Bella has the nightmare but I thought I'd be really sly and told everyone I was only at chapter 3 so I could read it again. So I got home from school and read it through till the end. It's the best book ever. I THANK ELLIOTT!! He's like a genius for telling me about this. The movie comes out soon but I can't see how they can miss any of it out its such an absloutley a fantabulous book. It beats Harry Potter and Georgia Nichelson by Milesssss. So everyone says that the best part is the medow! I love that bit too but it's not my fave. My fave bit it soooo cute, that's why I lovee it. They're still in the medow but this bit isss just soo cute. Edward Turns to Bella and tells her " You are the most important thing to me now. You are the most important thing to me ever" (I am sat reading the book so I thought I'd quote haha)

Another Thing.....Crimbo....25/26 days away. My Aunty Is A Genuis! The Freeking Internet Loves her!!!!! She could may be possibly getting me the best christmas present like EVER!!!! It's not in England and probably never will be! She's getting me The Jonas Brothers:It's About Time!! Yes it freeking is about time that i got that feeking album. And charlie If I do get it you may borrow it and yes we can work erin about it till the day we die because I thought she was getting it about a month ago and she still hasn't!!!

Yes so I Rule!!!!!!!! Twlight 2 days! New Phone Thats Like Awesome! Crimbo! Jonas Brothers! Best Family! Clothes Show!! HELL YESS!!!!!

Okay Soo This Is The Almighty Album. It's soo bloody small I'm sure it wasn't that small ahh well they still look gawjus. Kevin looks like a one of thos wanna-be chanvs he's like...yehh Nick and Joe aree soo cool I'm gunna look cool and maybe they'll wanna hang out! And Joes just like...yehh w.e Burnzie! and nick just stands looking gawjus! and saying Hey Joe, Bro you got any savers for this guy!
Aww I feel bad now...I always pick on Kevin!I like Him Really it's just my senario's and the way the picture goes.!! Sowii

More Pictures!
Twilight Cast. So easy to guess who everyone is. Jasper doesn't look like I expected haha. Ahh well thats movies, Yes and charlie you are not the only one that likes him!! I said in the 4th harry bleedin potter that he was ooffttin gawjus and you said he wasn't changed your mind there aint ya. Ohh well I agree so!! W.E. Yehh and I somehow imagined Bella with Black hair rather that might say so....but then again I imagined Luna Lovegood to have black hair and it said blonde! Ahh well haha.

And now I'm...kept youze soo long!!

Cyaahh xxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Barry M!!! A reason to saty in the UK!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

So last night... omj!!! We kinda went mad dancing to A Night To Remember!!!! Beth's going to be a gay Ryan!!! Oh Dear!!! She's such a great performer and her with Nat the audience isn't even going to realise the rest of us are there!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

I treat myself to some Barry M black nail varnish today!!! I love Barry M if you can't get it in America then it's one of the reasons i'm going to be upset leaving England... the only one!!!!!!!

So it's just over a week to the clothes show!!!! Can't wait!!! Shopping then a fashion show plus no schoool!!!!!!!!!! Could it get any more perfect???? Answer: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!! Natalie Laura and Elly are coming!! Even Bob's trying to get a ticket!!! i'm not sure if i should be a little worried about him bless him!!!!

Joe has to have jumped off the chair!!! There's no way he could jump that high!!! Nd even if he did, who let him do that?? Was it a good idea??? No!! Danger remember!!!!!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Friday, 28 November 2008

I'm Not a Celebrity But Get Me Out of Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!

I hate having to live in England!!! Face it - its crap and i've had enough!!! so i've been thinking and i've come up with a list of why i hate living here:

1- The weather is constantly crap - all the time!!!

2- We always get everything last like cool movies or music!!! I.E Twilight nd Jonas Brothers

3- It's boring and makes me think of the colour grey!!

4- All the celebrities leave to live in America! How many celebs live here!!!

5- All the different shops aren't here!!

6- Some things never come out over here or you hear about them and when you try to buy them they say ohh they're never coming over here!!!!

7- Jonas Brothers nuff said!!!

8- Amy winehouse again nuff said!!!

9- We have the crappest accent out there!!!

10- Everywhere else is a lot cooler!!!

Yeah so as soon as i can i'm emigrating!!! If that's the right word!!!! I'm stuck between America and africa and Australia!!! And don't think i'm joking i seriously hate it here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never put a pic of the jobros yesterday!!! *gasp* I know shocking aren't I??

Nice hat Joe!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Rob Pattinson!!!!!!!!! Gorge!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!

So... i have no idea what to write about tonight!!!! Any ideas?? No? Me neither!!

I totally have a new crush!!! Rob Pattinson!! He is beyond gorgeous!!! Like gorge on Joe level!!!
Arghhh can't find a decent pic!!!!
Ok not great!! He;s got longer hair now and less of a beard!! And he's british!!! Even though i prefer an accent!!! But he's from London!!!!!!!!!!!

No one else likes him!!! But i do so sod them!!! He's exactly how i imagined Edward!!! But much better!!!

I guess i got Elly to read Twilight!! She's on chapter three!! Don't laugh that's a big deal for Elly!!!! Lol!! So... Bob might be coming with us to see it!! Not sure if that's going to work out but should be fun!! Right?

Elly's kinda flipping off because i'm not making Bob read the book!! But the difference is that Bob wants to read the book!! He can't cos she's got it!!! lol!!! She'd better hurry up and read it she's got a month!!!
Lv Charlie

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!

Ok so i think we all realise that i'm a little wierd!!!! But i think this just proves it!!! i was in Careers and sandwiched in between two lads in the computer room!!! I was talikng to one of them (i'm not going to say his name for Natalies benefit i think she'll guess nyway!!!) and then i turned to work on my computer!! I could kinda feel him watching me!!! Then all of a sudden he just kinde reached over and stroked my cheek!!! I kinda just went 'what the hell are you doing?' but he just stroked right down my jaw line and over my neck and shoulder!! Then he just grabbed my boob!!! I know i should totally have freaked and slapped him and probably siad some very rude words!!! But i just burst out laughing!! And i mean i was nearly crying!!! You should have seen his face!! OMJ!!!! LOL!!! I know i'm xtremely wierd!!! Looking back i guess something in my brain realised that if i had reacted he would just do it again and again!! But if i just laughed it off he probabaly would just get confused!!! lol!!! I think it worked!!! But i didn't think about that until afterwards!!!!!! Laura thinks i'm mental!!!!!

OOHHHH LOL!!! Kevin looks cool!!!! lol!!! So do they all!!! They got and AMA LOL!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

My Math Teachers a maniac!!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!
So i might have already told you that my maths teacher is a maniac but he seriously is!! We're off on Friday for teacher traing day but he turned round and said that he was because he had a washing machine being delivered and he needed to be in!!! We were like... ... ... OK!!!! Then he wandered into french and one of the girls in my class turned to Bob and went what does ciel mean? We all said ... sky!!! But sir turned round and said 'C... L.... that's just cl duh i learned when i was three!!!' We all just burst out laughing and Miss came back in and she had to push him out!! Nd he was still going 'cl cl cl' We all just carried on laughing!! Then he ran up to me in Form going 'Charlotte Charlotte!!!!... ... ... ... ... ... CL!!!!' I couldn't breathe it was hilarious!!!!!

So yeah most of my teachers call me by my full name apart from my science teacher and my frecnh teacher lol!!! Oh and my creeoy careers teacher who also tries to run media and fails miserably!!!

... Yeah!!!

Natalie also reckons that i call her dumb all the time which i totally don't!!! If i do Nat please tell me!!!!!!!

Ok so usually i put pics of all three Jobros!!! But today i couldn't be bothered so i put on my two fave pics of Joe on!!! YEY!!! The last ones my background on my laptop!!! So when anyone goes on my laptop they go 'Huh should've guessed!!! lol!!!!'

Ciao peeps

Monday, 24 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!!

Oh my god!! I had such a lovely day today!!!!! I played Badmiton today and i was supposed to be paired with Elly's cousin who is like insanely good at badminton but he sodded off and i ended up playing Jacob and Laura by myself!!!! I was getting a bit fed up of high fiving mid air when Bob came and rescued me!!! Yey!!! Thanx Bob!!! We were like stood there having a conversation and we still washed the floor with them!!!!!! We were like talking and he said he prefered girls to boys and i was like well.... yeah!!! Nd he went no i like hanging round with girls better than boys!! So i was like ohhh!!! Nd he was telling me how he got turned down by this girl who is like my cousin (she's not really but we say we are!!! lol!!! don't ask) Nd i felt sooo sorry for him!!! Bless!!! i think she'd be lucky to have him not that i fancy him!!! Nd i just dug a big hole for myself there!!! Cos Natalie's going to read this and make assumptions!!!! For the recod I'm not in love with Bob or Jacob for that matter! Or EC so shut your face!!!

OK so i guess they were at a radio here!!! or recording possibly!!! I dunno!!! lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

i really don't fancy any of them lads!!! Honestly!!!

Sunday, 23 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!

OMJ i woke up this morning and it was white!!!! It snowed!!!!! It snowed!!!! yeye!!!!! Snow!!!!!!

Ok!! So... i've been out for lunch again with the clan!!! Urghh it's wierd!! But fun at the same time!!! My Aunts sit and take the mick out of my Gran all the time and it's the only time we can gang up on my Dad!!! lol!!!

Right so i told you bout the night i had last night with the girls!!! Well there was a film advertised on the rhubarb!! I can't remember what it was called but it had this girl in it and she was blonde like me and her hair was in a bob like mine and she was crazy!! It was all about her relationship with this guy and he had dark hair!!! Then it turned out she was called Charlie!! So Sarah turned round and said 'omg it's Charlie and a better looking EC!!!' (only she didn't say EC) lol!!! I was a bit shocked but it was funny!!!!! She was kinda described as Beautiful, talented and crazy!!! So i'm not sure if i fit in that description!!!! But i guess i should be flattered!!!

Right i've gotta go now cos my mams got me tea ready!!! lol!!!!
Ciao peeps!!!

Saturday, 22 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!

Soo i've just had a bit of a girls night in with Beth, Emma and Sarah!!! Yeah lots of laughs!!!! We watched Over her Dead Body!! It was soo funnny cos this bird talks and it calls this poor old woman a lard arse and she thinks it's this other man!! I was in hysterics!!!! Was funny!!!

Nd Beth was going crazy saying her life was a musical!! Running round outside the shop pretending to be in Britannia High (really great english Highschool Musical)!!! She was jumping up on this wall laughing and singing!! I love Beth she's amazing and i honestly don't know what i'd do without her!!! My life would seriously be so boring without all my mates!!! Lads and girls!!

What else to talk about!! Not much cos i've been curled up by the radiator all day!!! It's been soo cold here!!!! It even snowed for a little bit last night!!!

I wonder where the person taking this picture was??? Maybe they were incredibly tall?? Or could hover of the ground??? Or maybe they were just standing on some steps or something??? Yeah that sounds more probable!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Friday, 21 November 2008

EC is a legend but i don't like him!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

Just come from guides!!! I was a bit worried about doing Scream all by myself!! So Natalie, Elly and Emma decided to make it easier for me by coming on half way through as my band lol!! You guys rock - literally!!!! lol!!!

And me and Elly have worked on our Boys are back dance!!!! We chaned our slides so i don't knack my knees and so elly can actually do it lol!!! But the problem is the song we've been doing it to is different to the one we're actually doing it to!!! Not cool!!! And it cuts my very favourite bit out!!! Def not cool!!!!

Ok so in Triple today we were doing about oceans and it was on bout eroding and stuff!! And it showed you this coast being like totally wrecked by the tide!!!! So EC turned to me and went 'Well... Balls to global warming... We wanna be more worried bout the Oceans!!!!!' OMJ i was in hysterics!!!! I couldn't breathe!!!! I was in tears!!!! lol!!! I don't really think anyone else thought it was funny but eee god it was hilarious!!!!! lol!!!!! then it was on bout how the seas actually got there and he turned round and said 'noooo that's wrong it was aliens with hosepipes!!!! Aliens with huge hosepipes!!!!!' Oh dear!!! I dunno what me and Natlie would do in Triple without him!!! It would be boring!!! lol!!!!!! I still don't fancy him again though and Jacob neither!!!! Natalie!!! Any way aren't we on a truce at the mo??? Cos you ahven't siad anything to me since Triple!!! So no taking the Mick!!!!

Wow nice guitar i want a guitar!!! I guess i should learn how to play first - yeah??? Lol!!!!

And Joe just looks HOT, SEXY, CUTE, STYLISH, GORGE, BEAUTIFUL, FIT, PRETTY, and ADORABLE all at the same time!!!!!!! lol!!! Seriously!!!! Oh and his brothers don't look half bad either!! lol!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Blocked Sinks!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!

GCSE today! Not that bad actually!!! my brain went into panic mode half way through but i think i sorted it out!!!

But i have to say i had a lot of fun winding down afterwards!!!!!! In triple, we were supposed to be filtering this minging water!!! Well me and Natalie were working with EC again and he was ust getting in the way!!! So we sent him off to clean some gravel!!! Natalie turned round and said do you think thats a good idea?? but i just said just leave him, he's playing nice nad he's out of the way!!!

The next minute it's i think i've blocked the sink!! Yup he'd poured a load of gravel down the drain and blocked it!!!! So me and this other guy spent the rest of the lesson trying to unblock the sink!!! I totally wrecked my nails!!

Not cool but so hilariously funny bless him!!! even though he tried to pass it off on Natalie!! poor bloke!!!! But we decided that our filtration system was down the drain quite literally!!!! But i think that if we'd found a way to get to it, if we'd poured tje water down the drain we might have won lol!!!

Cool jacket nick!!!! i love my leather jacket!! lol!!!


p.s the crush thing has just got worse and worse!!! Natalie you are so dead!!!!!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Unwanted Crush!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

I didn't get any shoes noooo!!!! I really need new shoes!!!!!! But on the plus side i've had my braces fixed!! Now my mouth tastes minging and i can't eat anything hard for 24 hours!!!!! Stupid orthodontist!!! It wasn't my usual one not cool!!!!!

Okay so i've got a little problemo!! there's this guy at school and as much as i like him as a mate he is seriously doing my head in!!! So he keeps kinda following me round and waiting for me!! Now everyones asking me if he fancies me!!!!! Emma even asked him out for me!!! I'm slightly worried he does!!! Oh no what am i going to do!!! i mean he's a canny guy but i just don't like him like that!!! He's huge!! like as tall as a lampost!!! and he can totally enclose me fist in his hand!!!! Ohh dear!! I think i'm going to stick to my vampires!!!
BTW for the puropses of the blog he's now going to be called Jacob!!! That's kind of an inside joke Laura wil get it nd possibly Beth!!!!

I don't know why i've just written that Natalie is going to take the mick tomorrow!!! She was bad enough in PE today!!! I ended up throwing my trainer at her!!! i hope it hurt!!!

I've got 2 science GCSEs tomorrow!!!!

Stay calm Charlie you're going to do fine!!!!!!

OMJ how the hell do them three manage to look so stylish all the bloody time!!! it's annoying but i'll forgive them cos they also look gorgeous!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Hey peeps!!!

Early to school again today!! Arghhh not cool!!! i am so tired!! i could just fall asleep any minute zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
k am awake now!!! lol!!!

So yeah Kevin and Laura officially finished today!! We told every one and i'm now upset!!! grrrrrrrrr not cool!!!!

So what else to talk about!!

I got stuck sat on the floor between EC and his best friend in ICT!! They are so funny!! They were sat screaming at the laptop screams when they got angry!! And they we ended up on the Frankie's and Benny's website going through the menu!! lol!! WE got onto Pizza's and his best friend, from now on known as J, had never heard of BBQ Chicken pizza!!! How can you have not heard of it!!!!! It's like my fave flavour!! And no not just because it's Joe's!!! I loved Chicken pizza before i'd even heard of the Jonas Brothers so there!!! lol!!!
OK Joe's wearing a hat!!! I seriously love hats!! I own far too many!!! Along with bags and shoes!!!! Ooooh i'm going shoe shopping with my mam tomorrow after i get my braces sorted out!!! yeyyy!!!! lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Arghhh School? Early? Not Me

Hey peeps!!

I had to go into school early today!!! Not cool!! Revision for my science GCSE on Thursday!!! Argghhhh!!!! Not cool!!!

Made up for it by getting out of all my lessons today!!! yey!!! Was doing this enterprise thingy that we should totally should have won!!! But we didn't which is a totally robbery!!!!! Put your hand up if you wouldn't buy a banana bracelet!!! Let me guess no one put their hand up right???? Yup thought so! Cos they're cooooool!!! Stupid teacher huh!!! lol!!

Ok so Laura and 'Kevin' broke up today!!!! Not cool!!! She wouldn't even wait until i was there!! So yeah every cry now! Even though it wasn't real it's still kinda sad !! Even though Laura refuses to behave right!!! Idiot!!! She should be distraught!!! Me n Elly are more upset then her!! only cos we were crushing on his brothers lol!!!! But Kevin couldn't make it over and Laura flipped!!! lol!!! Not really but i sounds funny right!!! So no more Kevin serenading her!!! no more funny close shaves!!! no more having to remember jokes!! No more having to remember funny trivia!!! Boo hoo!!!

I got worng last week for saying i would love for some seriously hot, guitar playing guy would sing to me in the middle of a field somewhere under the stars!!!! Right!!! I think that would be soo lovely!! Yeah!! Show me one girl who wouldn't like totally melt!!! yeah absolutley!!! i know i would!!!!

Cool reflective thingy!!! lol!!! I thought my stupid laptop had put it in upsde down lol!!! hah!!!
Ciao peeps!!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Sould i do Everything Joe Does?

Hey peeps!!

I got up at a reasonable time today!!!

So my mam sat and watched Living the Dream with me this morning!!! Slightly unnerving i know cos she says she hates The Jonas Brothers but hey!!! When it was over she was like right time to clean your rabbits out and i just curled up in a ball!!! And do you know what she pulled on me??? "Joe does his chores so why don't you??" Stupid woman!!! Next time she does that i think i'm going to turn round and say Yeah well Joe also runs into walls, should i??? Stupid woman!!! I dunno how she dare!!!

I was on you tube last night after i was on here and i ended up watching Talyor Swift moaning up about Joe Jonas (don't ask but it's surprisingly soothing when your in a mood) But then this video caught my attention!!! Watch it!!!! V

Awesome right?? Apparently it's not his!!! I'm not into cars but even i can appreciate that it's a seriously cool car!!! Nice one Kevin!!! lol!!!
Another awesome Tshirt from Joe lol!!! Nice one!!! And Nick sunglasses are cool too!! lol!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!

Saturday, 15 November 2008

No Idea What to Write!! I only got up 5 hours ago!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Okay so i'm not entirely sure what to write about today because i didn't actually get up until 12!! OMJ!! I get more and more like Elly every day!!! I wasn't even that tired!! I meqan i was kinda worn out after last night but i wasn't tired!!! I couldn't believe it when i woke up and it was 12!! Then i got up made myself breakfast and watched Living the Dream!!! I didn't start getting ready until half one!! lol!!!

Okay so i have no idea what else to talk about!!!!

I love this picture cos Joe's hair looks awesome when its all flicky like that!!

Well that sounded a little wierd!! lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Owww My leg hurts!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Soz bout the whole rant thing!!! But Sge's still not coming unless she reads the book!!!!

Just come back from Guides where i nearly broke my knee!!! Not cool!!! Well me and Elly were coming up with our dance for the Boys are Back and we decided that we were going to kinda skid down the aisle!!!! End up on our knees!! Well i could do it!! Sometimes!! Elly just couldn't do it at all!!! So we kept doing it again and again'!!! And now i've got a lump the size of an egg on my knee!!! Not cool I can hardly walk!!!

And before that i was filming Beth and Natalie doing I want it all!!! And i walked backwards right into the fire heater thing and it was hot!!! Really hot lol!!!

Natalie decided to give us an entire rendition of Joseph which was totally hilarious!!! We were all singing along and her impression of a camal was legendary!! lol!!! God what would we do without her!!!!

Okay so today was non uniform and i was wearing my converse!!! And then we got talking to our maths teacher (who is a total psycho!!!) about what your shoes say bout you!!! Aparently my gorge prize possessions say that i try hard to stand out and like being on the outside!!! lol!!! I'm bot even going to tell you what elly's Ugg boots say bout her cos it was a little rude!!! lol!!!

Look Nicks wearing Converse that means he's trying hard to stand out!!! Althoug mine are kinda pink and his are blue so maybe it doesn't count lol!!!!


Twilight Arguement

Hii Peoplz

Hey peeps!!!!

Guess Who's Back and finally writing something! YES IT'S MEE

For once!!! And probably for the last time for another month!!!

It's not that I don't WANT! to write but my stupid laptop is being a noobous and doesn't let me log in....i thinkk it's cz my mam is logged in gmail already and it doesn't let me log out of hers :@ How annoying?!

Yeah i believe you!! Thousands wouldn't!! K change of subject!! What can we talk about!! Our crazy science teacher who's currently parading round as pudsy???

Or the psycho " dunno how its spelt" PE teacher dressed as Austin Powers, or the stupid supply person as's a crazy ass world!

Yeah so it's children in need and everyones gone mad because its non uniform!! Wierdos!!!!

Well it's not our fault...blame Beth shes the one telling us her crazy stories about dogs!! (Its really scary you know but you get used to it after a while)

Yeah beth's a little bit wierd she's the only person i know who could get raped by a dog!!!! Beth also said i had to tell you all that she likes Twilight too and that when i've said me and Laura read it, she does too!!!!

I now feel out of place in this convo because I haven't read it yet! and now Charlie...won't stop having a go at aint my fault elliott said he was going to lend me it and then begin to read it himself so i couldn't and then charlie said she was going to lend me it and decided to lend it to LAURA so now atm i feel like a constant dooche bag in a twilight world!!!

Well you're going to have to read it soon cos Beth was totally serious about you not being allowed to come and see it with us until you read the book!! lol!!!

Do you know something?! I heard about twilight before you did and i've still not read it! I had elliott showing me every single movie clip and book reading on youtube for like 2 hours! and now i even have some song on my computer from it?! ( i do not know i haven't heard it yet!)

Well that's nice but you still haven't read it and i agree with Beth so it'll just be the three of us til you read it!! It's not even that long!!

It took me an hour to read the 1st chapter of Harry Potter. I am an incredibly sloww reader, i wish i could read like my mam she managed to read Artimus (dont know how to spell it) Fowl in like an hour or something.....its just not fair :(:(:(

Okay slightly wierd!!!! Calm down!!! It's only a book!!!

i donesn't matter...i might not want to go and see the movie with you beth and laura anyway! i might want to go and see it with someone else....LIKE ELLIOTT!! who actually cares about me as a friend unlikee some people!!!!!!!!

Hey it's not my disicion!! And anyway Elliotts going with all his little cronies and we might be meeting him there so...

so....I'll make new friends and see you there won't i!

Elliott agrees with us anyway so we might tell him not to let you!! Cos he wants you to read it as well!!!!

Well it's his fault I haven't because it was his copy I was going to read but he decided to read it for himself!! So...not my probleymo!

Right whatever the bells going to go soon!! So i'm right your wrong let's just leave it there!!!!

I don't agree...i think we should leave this neutral! And then be off!

I don't agree with that and anyway your out voted?!!! Beth come here!!!

Eleanor should read twilight. Nuff said.

See!! Out voted!!!

I didn't say I shouldn't I just said I am a slow reader and wouldn't have finished it before it comes out so thats me missing screw you all fair do's you don't like me I don't like you...I HATE YOU!!!!!!

Yeah whatever!!!! It's not out til the 19th of December so thats a month!!! Now we really gotta go

Ciao peeps

Okayy......byeeee!!! xx

Thursday, 13 November 2008

I admit!! I'm a Twi-hard!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Okay so i'm totally absolutely completely hooked on Twilight!! How awesome is it??? I love it and a read all four books in a week!! So yeah i'm a twi hard!!! Wierd name!!!! lol!! i love Edward!!! i know it sounds wierd but i would love to have a vampire boyfriend!! Especially one that could read minds!!!! Awesome!! I love Alice tooo she's is soo coool!!! She is like really amazing!! Not that keen on Jacob!!! Get a grip!!!!! Can't wait for the film its going to be amazing hope it does the book justice though!!!
Okay Twilight cast!!! How fit is Rob Pattison???? Seriously!! Not on a Joe level but def better than Kevin!!! No off Luara!!!!

Ohh dear!!! I've seriously broken my braces!!! I am sooo accident prone it should be ilegal!!! I pulled the bracket off my tooth eating fish and chips!!!! My orthodontist is going to kill me even if she is on happy pills!!! lol!!!

So today was d day!!! Maths GCSE!!!! Not as bad as i thought i blitzed through the first half but the vey last question was torture!!! arghhhh!!! AS long as i get my A* i don't care lol!!!

The Jonas brothers to even out the twilight pic i put above lol!!! I lile Joe's waistcoat and Nick's perdy pink shirt lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

I'm hooked on Twilight!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Rounders is almost as dangerous as table tennis!!! I almost lost my head today at least twice!!! Twice!!!!! lol!!!! And bob was bowling and thought he was really good!! lol!! He was laright!!!

Ohh dear i am hooked on twilight!!! Arggghhhh i really need to get it out of my head!!!

So we're doing Romeo and Juliet in English and like no one knew the story!!! I was like how can you ot know Romeo and Juliet!!!! And OMJ did you know that juliet was only supposed to be 13!!! I mean i knew she was young but 13??? They get married and everything!! But i suppose that it was a long time ago!!! So i might let Shakespeare off!! But considering he's dead i guess there's no point!!!

Maths exam tomorrow!!!!! Now i'm starting to freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AWWW Frankie is such a cutie!!!!! I think that was the American premire!!! lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Short short blog!!! Now i'm going!!!

Hey peeps!!!
Okay so according to some of the peeps in my ICT class Laura is dating Kevin but we might have kinda taken it a bit too far!!! Yeah just a little!!! lol!!! Laura's not very happy!!! He's supposed t be coming over on the 21st argghh!!! What are we going to do!!!!
We've got a maths test on thirsday and i guess i'm not freaking out because i know i'm going to do all right!!! lol!!! Natalie!!!! lol!! Yeah she's kinda freaking a lot!!!
Right so this is a short blog one cos my mam could come in ny minute and i'm not supposed to be on my laptop!!! and two most importantly i've been reading this book and i really want to get it finished!!! It's so sweet it almost made me cry!!! lol!!!
Right picture and then i'm going!!!

Weird pic with the papparizzi i think (totally spelt wrong but who care!!!) Nick and Joe look weird but kevins good at hiding lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Monday, 10 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!

Okay so me, Beth and Laura have been reading these books by Stephenie Meyer called the twilight series and it's about vampires!!! It's really good!! READ THEM!!!

They also have werewolves in them!! And me and laura are sure that one of the boys in our science class is a werewolf!!!! He fits excatly the description in the book!!! Every single point covered!!! And at one point he was messing about with Lauras chair so i stabbed him in the hand with my pen to stop him!! While me and Laura were laughing at him, he was sat there shaking like the werewolves in the book do before they transform or phase (which is what it's called in the book)!! It kinda freaked us out!! lol!!!

Also in RE today we ended up having a disscussion about what me 'type' is. I felt rather awkward!!!! But i think we ended up with really dark brown hair, deep brown or blue eyes, no freckles, taller than me and funny!! lol!!! Wierd!! And i won't be having that coversation again!! It worries me cos i basically just described EC!!! Arrggghhhh!!! Not cool!!!!!!!

Okay so that's a really coooool bluuuueeee guitar!!!!!!! Me likey lotsy!!!!

i also like Joe lol!!! He kinda also fits the description so we're all cool!!! lol

Ciao peeps

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Hey peeps!!!

Okay so my parents went out for a meal yesterday and my little bro went to a mcfly gig!! So i was all on my own!! I watched two films that Natalie (which is why your a life saver by the way natalie) lent me!! I had a pizza and a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!! Then i went crazy dancing round the house!!! lol!!! I was like sliding all round and playing air guitar!! I think i was on a sugar high!!! lol!!! And more importantly i didn't burn the house down or through a huge massive party so my mam's kinda happy with me lol!!! My dad was all like don't answer the door to anyone or advertise the fact that i'm in on my own!! I can't believe that i'm 15 and they still don't trust me in on my own!!! arrggghhhh!!!
So i've been going over the lyrics for Scream from HSM3!!! I think i've got them!!! But i'm looking forward to doing Boys are back with Elly the most!!! It's going to be seriously fun!! Ntalie and Beth are doing I want it all!!! Which is really funny!! The two of them are really good together!!! Lol!!
I love Joe's suit!!!! Scratch that!! I love all their suits lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

EMA Let Down

Hey peeps!!!!

I'm really bored!!! But i must remember to tell Natalie that she's an absolute life saver!! And i'm sorry bout the whole Bob thing!! I didn't mean it like that it just made me laugh!! Sozzie!!!

Right so i watched the EMA's!!! Booo Hooo!!! The Jonas Brothers only came second!! That's shocking right!! They should totally have won!! Katy Perry beat them!!! Katy Perry!!! Injustice!!!!! Not cool!!!

I seriously thought i was cured from my shopping disease!!! I spent a hundred pounds last week!!! No idea what on but i spent it!!! But then today i like spent nothing!!!! Again not cool!!!!!

I had another major arguement with my mam today!! Sometimes she just treats me like i'm a baby and it seriously just pisses me off!!! And then she just expects me to get on with it and forget she's said anything!!! Arrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Okay rant moment!! Sozzi!!!!!!! Need to vent all my anger on something else!!!! I did try to break something but then i remembered i'm a weakling so it didn't really work!!! lol!!!
OMJ!! I have a scarf like Nick!!! Well actually it's kinda purple and checkered so not really like Nicks but i think it's cool to think i have a scarf like Nick!!!!!! lol!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Friday, 7 November 2008

I'm Troy!!! Don't Panic... PANIC!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Woaahhh!!! I'm on a bit of a high!!!! lol!!! We're doing High School musical at guides!!!!! i some how got Troy!!! AAARRRGGGHHH PANIC!!!! Elly got Chad lol and we get to do the Boys are back together!!!! wooah!!! I'm happy!!!!

I got a A* in England today!!! yes!!! But i've got my first GCSE on thursday!!! PANIC!!! AGAIN!!! Not good!!!

The guys are frightened to say anything to Laura cos they think she'll set Kevin on them!!! Eeee dear bless their little cotton socks!!!

Natalie was also undoing Bobs belt today in triple!!!! Wierd nd kinda awkward!!! She'll kill me for saying that but hey it was funny!!! EC wasn't in!!! Kerching so we got to do our own experiment lol!!!

I don't think they knew that the picture was being taken although Nick seems good at disguising that!! Lol!! Nice bodywarmer Joe!!! lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Arghhhh!! Tip - Don't get Contact Lenses!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Ok so i had a minor contacts incident this morning on the way to school!! I kinda got it jammed down my eyeball!!!!! Not cool!!!! So elly had to help me sort it out!!!! It's happened once before but that time i really freaked!!! I was alright this time but Elly was pissing me off because she kept moving the mirror while i was trying to get it out!!! I did though!! Yes peeps i am brill!!!

I'm not very well at all, i honestly think i could puke at any moment so i might have to go in a minute!!! Stupid Laura gave me it!!! I almost fell asleep at school!! But now i'm curled up on the couch and feeling a little better!!! I might bribe my mam into making me some hot ribena!!! lol!!

EMA's tonight!!! There's no way i'm going to be able to stay awake to watch it so i've already got it on record!! The Jonas Brothers are nominedat for BEST NEW ACT!!! I voted about 50 times!!! They will win!!! No matter how much Natalie wants Miley to win!!! Go Jobros!!!

GO JOBROS!!! Kevin looks wierd!! I shouldn't say that seen as though it was his bday yesterday!!! bless him!! But he's got a wierd expression and that top does not suit him!! Love yah though Kevin lol!! Well Laura does anyway lol!! Joe and Nick look awesome as per!!!
Ciao peeps!!!
p.s awesome top again Joe!!
p.p.s i just realised that i've already used that pic!! But it's cool so you'll forgive me right?!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Kevins Bday and the Start of Diabetes Awareness Month !!!

Hey peeps!!

So it's Kevin's bday today!! Apparently Laura's bought him a guitar for his bday!! Not seriously!!! Before you start getting worried!! Although she did consider making him a birdhouse and sending him that!! But i think she got worried that it might break!!! lol!!

It's also Diabetes Awareness Month!! I thought i really should metion that!! I would do something to rase money but i have no idea what to do, how to do it or where to send the money or anything!! But if anybody can help PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Kevin was swimming today like really swimming!!! And we thought he was too fat the poor thing!!! Mr Raven and Bob stayed after school on the friday we broke up to feed Kevin worms and me and Laura weren't invited!!!!! How shocking is that!!!! Supposingly the worms put up a good fight and then Kevin bit sirs hand!! Ha serves himself right for not inviting me and Laura!!! And for always throwing my science book at me everyday and always hitting me on the head!!! On purpose!!!!!!

Wow cool trousers Nick!!! It must take some guts to wear those!!! And Joe looks awesome as usual!!! I admited i thought Kevin was gorgeous today!! I wasn't happy about it but i guess its the truth!!! Obviously not as gorgeous as his brother but he might have inherited some fmily features!!!
Ciao peeps

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Kevin's Coming to Visit???????

Hey peeps!!

Elly actually beat me today in French!!! It might have had something to do with fact that i was sat watching the boys play football out of the window!! But i suppose she has to get lucky sometimes!! It's a shame it's winter, all the lads were in trackies!!!
I've also decided that i'm physic!! Well not really cos it was fairly obvious!! You've got no idea what i'm talking about!! Well i said yesterday about EC and then i said that Natalie would take the mick and she did!! I just didn't relise that she would wait until he was sat next to me!! Luckily he didn't click on!! Phew!!
In ICT me, Laura and Elly kept up the game we're playing about Kevin being Laura's BF!! It was so funny cos we started talking about whether or not you would dive into a river to save a baby!! And we were all like i don't know (well i didn't i said no) and i turn round and sid Kevin would!!! Then one of the lads said yeah he would probably just take his top off and dive straight in!! Me and elly burst out laughing and said no cos Laura would probably faint!!! But Laura said she wouldn't she would just throw herself in so he could save her too!! At which point i said that his brother could save me too if he wanted!! Luckily that didn't give the game away!! But Laura had a go at me for taking it too far, at which point she turned round and told the boys that Kevin was coming round to see her on the 21st so i have no idea how we're going to get round that!!!!!!! And she had a go at me!!!

OMJ!!! Nick with straight hair!!!! Wierd!!!! I can't decide if its reall or not it kinda looks like a wig!!!! And it took me ages to find a decent picture of Kevin with staright hair for Laura cos she doesn't like him when its curly!!! Luckily he straightens it before he goes on dates (fact from Hello Beautiful, the book)!!!!

Okay so straight Kevin and Nick... Curly Joe!!!!! He looks like he's been swimming or something!!! lol!!!

Has anybody apart from me noticed that Joe seems to always wear really cool t shirts?!?! Exibit A : The first picture!!! lol!!! And they always seem to be quite truthful lol!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Monday, 3 November 2008

French Hell!!

Hey peeps!!

I think i've just flunked french!!! Guessed the entire last question!! i'm supposed to get an A and i have no idea how!!

I also worked my backside of in PE for once!! But i guess its cos i really like badminton!! Me, Laura and Laura (i know confusing) were playing Miss and even though we tried really hard Miss beat us 39 to 9!!! Not cool!!!

I was telling Laura about what she missed on Friday night!!! But she still refused to come if i repeated it!! I was still knackered today especially after PE!! I made Laura promise me not to let me stay up until 5 in the moring again!! lol!!!

I've got another French test and triple science!! I'm not looking forward to it!! EC is really doing my head in he's like two different people!! Like in Triple he's really nice and he sits and talks with me and Nat!! But then in other lessons with his mates he's like really horrible and a right arsehole!! It annoys me how one person can have too completely different personalities!! And i have no idea why i'm writing this because Natalie or Beth is going to read it and then work the hell out of me tommorrow!! I still don't like him though!!!

Love the jumper Nick!! Seriously!!! LOL!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Demi's cool!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Right so i've got Demi Lovato's album and it's awesome!! I love it! She's amazing! I love her voice!! I knew all the lyrics like after one play!! I pick them up really well like that! I think Selena's trying to be a bit too much like her with the singing thing!! Not that i don't love Selena!! She's really great as well i just don't think she can sing as well as Demi!!

Okay so i think that i've kinda recovered from my sleepover!!! I had a good night sleep lol!!! I just realised something!! I think that was the first time EC's been at his Aunt's ad i haven't been bothered! i thnk it might either have had something to do with the fact that all my mates were there... or that i'm totally completely over him!! My votes for the second one!! Although the first one could have had something to do with it!

Right so i've gotta go now!! I've got revision for a french test tomorrow to do!! Boring but i need to get a decent mark!! Boo!!

Cool pic again!! though i think Joe's pants are a bit scared of his ankles!! Kevins kinda looking the wrong way!! lol!! and i think Nicks looking very closely at something!! lol!!

Ciao peeps!!
(ohh hang on a bit thats italian) Au revoir!!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Jonas Brothers in My Living Room = Not much Sleep

Hey peeps!!

My stupid internet broke!! Not cool!!!! I was seriously annoyed but its working agin now!! So i'm going to update you on what's being going on in thw wacky place i call my life!!!

I wrote a blog on wednesday before my nterent broe so i'll go from there!! On Thursday, we went of to Darlington!! I bought a Jonas Brothers book!!! Woaaahh!!! I know sad, right? But i don't care! It's awesome!!! I love it!! It's amazing! Well worth it!!! It didn't bring me much luck though!! I fell flat on my arse right outside of Starbucks!!! Not cool! Well actually it was because i was laughing so much i couldn't get up and when i did all the peeps inside were sat there staring at me!! It was so funny!! Until i got a lump the size of an egg on the back of my head!! I was walking round going if i collapse it's because i've got concusion!!

Then yesterday i had my sleep over!!! Me, Natalie, Emma and Beth watched the 3D Hannah Montana Concert!! Elly decided that she wasn't coming until after it was finnished!!! lol!!! The Jonas Brothers were actually in my living room and Joe blew me a kiss for my birthday and Natalie shook hands with Miley/Hannah and Nick was playing piano on our carpet!!!
Not really peeps!! But it was funny cos Natalie and Beth kinda freaked out!! They were going 'Ohh my god they're coming out of the TV!!! I was in hysterics!!! We didn't actually go to sleep until 5 am!!! It might have had something to do with the ice cream sundaes at 3 and playing cluedo and cranium at stupid times in the morning!!! Then at 4 me and Natalie went kinda wierd and started doing quotes from Hannah Montana!!! Hilarious!! The sad thing is we were actually pretty good even if i do say so myself!!!

Right today... Well we didn't get up until bout eleven!!! Natailie then realised that we hadn't egged EC!! Well honestly she realised at 2 and wantedto go straight round then.. but i convinced her that he wouldn't be there at that time bt you know what she's like! Well you don't but i do!!

OMJ! I am so tired i think i'll put some pics on then go!!!

Cool pic!! I like Joe's hair!!

...Okay fairly random Charlie!! What on earth is up with Nick?! I don't actually want to know what he's doing!!! lol

Ciao Peeps!!!