Yes Aii No...It's Been A While!
So.....Since My Last Little Argument On Here With Charlie About Twilight I've Done Quite A Bit.
New Girl....Lets Call Her 'Jane'....So 'Jane' Comes In With Afro Muss Mason An Shes Bein All Quiet An To Herself So We Hang With Her For The Week And When She Goes Into Reg. She's Hangin With The DarkSide. Aii Aint Really Bothered But It Makes Me Feel Pap, Like Nobody But Us In Our Room At School Actually Like Us Plus Laura And Natalie Haha And A Few Other People. But The Point I Am Atempting To Get Across Is The Fact That We Always Get Dumped Back On Our Arses With New People And They Go Over To The DarkSide......You Know I Think Its Coz We Canny Strange!!! Ahh Well..............And Plus We Never Get Any New FIT Fellas. I Could Name A Few Look-a-likes I Would Love To Have But I'm Afraid I'll Keep You Here All Night.
Moving On.......Clothes Show!!! Cannot Flipping Wait. Only 2 Weeks Timeish. Me Charlie And Laura Went Last Year And I Got Attacked By Some Scary Guys In Flat Shoes!!!!!!! Mega Scary But Also Mega Funny. We Were Lost Ok!!!! So Charlie Has To Remember To Get A Make-Up Thingii Done.....Not Saying She Needs One But She Told Me To Remind Her! She Looked All Over The Place To Get One And Then Found Out You Had To Book Hahaha Ahh Well Shes Getting On This Year. It's Gunna Bee Awesomee Though!!!
Next Point.....Sorry if i'm keeping you all day but i have so much to write about haha. Ok soo i'm mega mega mega jelous and so will charlie i think!!!! MY DAD IS GETTING THE NEW BLACKBERRY!!!!!! THE FREEKING NEW BLACKBERRY!!! I always wanted a blackberry they rule and now he's getting one I so.....freeking want one but I am getting his old phone!! It's still mega updated is like a mini computer!!! It's got internet, windows media player an alsorts. I still want my mini phone though for crimbo. It's so small and cute and now i'm drifing off sorry.
Now......OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ.OMJ!!!!! I have managed to read Twilight In 2 Days. 2 DAYS!! Thats Like A mirical or something. I love It Soooo Much. I started reading it on Wedensday and got to chapter 7....the one where Bella has the nightmare but I thought I'd be really sly and told everyone I was only at chapter 3 so I could read it again. So I got home from school and read it through till the end. It's the best book ever. I THANK ELLIOTT!! He's like a genius for telling me about this. The movie comes out soon but I can't see how they can miss any of it out its such an absloutley a fantabulous book. It beats Harry Potter and Georgia Nichelson by Milesssss. So everyone says that the best part is the medow! I love that bit too but it's not my fave. My fave bit it soooo cute, that's why I lovee it. They're still in the medow but this bit isss just soo cute. Edward Turns to Bella and tells her " You are the most important thing to me now. You are the most important thing to me ever" (I am sat reading the book so I thought I'd quote haha)
Another Thing.....Crimbo....25/26 days away. My Aunty Is A Genuis! The Freeking Internet Loves her!!!!! She could may be possibly getting me the best christmas present like EVER!!!! It's not in England and probably never will be! She's getting me The Jonas Brothers:It's About Time!! Yes it freeking is about time that i got that feeking album. And charlie If I do get it you may borrow it and yes we can work erin about it till the day we die because I thought she was getting it about a month ago and she still hasn't!!!
Yes so I Rule!!!!!!!! Twlight 2 days! New Phone Thats Like Awesome! Crimbo! Jonas Brothers! Best Family! Clothes Show!! HELL YESS!!!!!

Okay Soo This Is The Almighty Album. It's soo bloody small I'm sure it wasn't that small ahh well they still look gawjus. Kevin looks like a one of thos wanna-be chanvs he's like...yehh Nick and Joe aree soo cool I'm gunna look cool and maybe they'll wanna hang out! And Joes just like...yehh w.e Burnzie! and nick just stands looking gawjus! and saying Hey Joe, Bro you got any savers for this guy!
Aww I feel bad now...I always pick on Kevin!I like Him Really it's just my senario's and the way the picture goes.!! Sowii
More Pictures!

And now I'm...kept youze soo long!!
Cyaahh xxxxxxxxx
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