Ok so i had a minor contacts incident this morning on the way to school!! I kinda got it jammed down my eyeball!!!!! Not cool!!!! So elly had to help me sort it out!!!! It's happened once before but that time i really freaked!!! I was alright this time but Elly was pissing me off because she kept moving the mirror while i was trying to get it out!!! I did though!! Yes peeps i am brill!!!
I'm not very well at all, i honestly think i could puke at any moment so i might have to go in a minute!!! Stupid Laura gave me it!!! I almost fell asleep at school!! But now i'm curled up on the couch and feeling a little better!!! I might bribe my mam into making me some hot ribena!!! lol!!
EMA's tonight!!! There's no way i'm going to be able to stay awake to watch it so i've already got it on record!! The Jonas Brothers are nominedat for BEST NEW ACT!!! I voted about 50 times!!! They will win!!! No matter how much Natalie wants Miley to win!!! Go Jobros!!!

GO JOBROS!!! Kevin looks wierd!! I shouldn't say that seen as though it was his bday yesterday!!! bless him!! But he's got a wierd expression and that top does not suit him!! Love yah though Kevin lol!! Well Laura does anyway lol!! Joe and Nick look awesome as per!!!
Ciao peeps!!!
p.s awesome top again Joe!!
p.p.s i just realised that i've already used that pic!! But it's cool so you'll forgive me right?!
my computer can be dumb sometimes too!! lol!! but now were making a donation box 4 our local store...
ReplyDeletewere really pro-active about the whole thing!! lol!!
i think that top of joes looks like a rabit nick... if u look very closely at it, it looks like nick, with creepy fangy teeth!! lol!! i've gotta poster of him in that t-shirt on my wall and i always try to make out if it's a rabit nick or not!! lol