Friday, 21 November 2008

EC is a legend but i don't like him!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

Just come from guides!!! I was a bit worried about doing Scream all by myself!! So Natalie, Elly and Emma decided to make it easier for me by coming on half way through as my band lol!! You guys rock - literally!!!! lol!!!

And me and Elly have worked on our Boys are back dance!!!! We chaned our slides so i don't knack my knees and so elly can actually do it lol!!! But the problem is the song we've been doing it to is different to the one we're actually doing it to!!! Not cool!!! And it cuts my very favourite bit out!!! Def not cool!!!!

Ok so in Triple today we were doing about oceans and it was on bout eroding and stuff!! And it showed you this coast being like totally wrecked by the tide!!!! So EC turned to me and went 'Well... Balls to global warming... We wanna be more worried bout the Oceans!!!!!' OMJ i was in hysterics!!!! I couldn't breathe!!!! I was in tears!!!! lol!!! I don't really think anyone else thought it was funny but eee god it was hilarious!!!!! lol!!!!! then it was on bout how the seas actually got there and he turned round and said 'noooo that's wrong it was aliens with hosepipes!!!! Aliens with huge hosepipes!!!!!' Oh dear!!! I dunno what me and Natlie would do in Triple without him!!! It would be boring!!! lol!!!!!! I still don't fancy him again though and Jacob neither!!!! Natalie!!! Any way aren't we on a truce at the mo??? Cos you ahven't siad anything to me since Triple!!! So no taking the Mick!!!!

Wow nice guitar i want a guitar!!! I guess i should learn how to play first - yeah??? Lol!!!!

And Joe just looks HOT, SEXY, CUTE, STYLISH, GORGE, BEAUTIFUL, FIT, PRETTY, and ADORABLE all at the same time!!!!!!! lol!!! Seriously!!!! Oh and his brothers don't look half bad either!! lol!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. lolz i love this picture
    and thankz for my comment
    and tell ur friend elli i no wat she's goin through and it hurts so badely
    anyway i gonna go and stare at a
    pic of joe 4 like an houre that will make me feel better
    comment back
    rachael xx


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