So it's Kevin's bday today!! Apparently Laura's bought him a guitar for his bday!! Not seriously!!! Before you start getting worried!! Although she did consider making him a birdhouse and sending him that!! But i think she got worried that it might break!!! lol!!
It's also Diabetes Awareness Month!! I thought i really should metion that!! I would do something to rase money but i have no idea what to do, how to do it or where to send the money or anything!! But if anybody can help PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Kevin was swimming today like really swimming!!! And we thought he was too fat the poor thing!!! Mr Raven and Bob stayed after school on the friday we broke up to feed Kevin worms and me and Laura weren't invited!!!!! How shocking is that!!!! Supposingly the worms put up a good fight and then Kevin bit sirs hand!! Ha serves himself right for not inviting me and Laura!!! And for always throwing my science book at me everyday and always hitting me on the head!!! On purpose!!!!!!

Wow cool trousers Nick!!! It must take some guts to wear those!!! And Joe looks awesome as usual!!! I admited i thought Kevin was gorgeous today!! I wasn't happy about it but i guess its the truth!!! Obviously not as gorgeous as his brother but he might have inherited some fmily features!!!
Ciao peeps
ceci and i r making a box to put at the village store so we can raise money 4 diabetes!!